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12+ months
- Float the toy pieces in the bath and let your baby handle the different parts. Show how to scoop up the water and pour it out, or watch it trickle through the cups. Point out the different ways this happens depending on which Octopus cup you are using.
- Show your infant how to fit the cups inside each other (nesting).
- The octopus cups can also be used effectively when playing with sand - use dry sand to pour from one to another and use the shapes like a sieve.
- Use wet/damp sand to help your child make little sand moulds/castles.You may want to introduce the ideas of empty and full when your child has grasped simpler concepts, such as size and colour.
- Talk about the concepts of colour and size. When your child is able to recognise colours and sizes talk about the octopus cups in these terms - i.e. 'fill up the green one', 'where is the biggest one?'
- Always help your child but give them plenty of opportunity to do it themselves - give hints and lots of encouragement!
- Show your infant how to pour water from one cup to another!
- Make a shower by pouring water into the shower head attachment with the octopus cups.