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This product is 100% herbal and aids with the relief of restless sleep, trouble sleeping, insomnia and other sleep related disorders. This herbal product helps to relax as well as ease users.
Has been reportedly used to aid with:
Herbs Used:
Skullcap (Scutellaria Lateriflora) - This herb reportedly aids sleep, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, and nervous disorders. The herb has been reported to relieve muscle cramps, pain, spasms, and stress. Skullcap also may relax states of nervous tension while at the same time renewing as well as reviving the central nervous system.
Hops (Humulus Lupulus)- Displays a well-known relaxing effect upon the central nervous system. It is commonly used as a treatment of insomnia as well as easing tension.
Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) - Well known for its sedative qualities as well as the ability to relax the central nervous system and smooth muscle groups. It has been used as a sleeping aid for hundreds of years especially when there is excitation or difficulty in falling to sleep due to nervousness.
Shake well before use. 10-15 drops into the mouth, 3 to 8 times a day.
Add to juice tea or water in order to improve the taste.
Before use, consult medical advisers if pregnant.
These products are not a cure for illness, disease, or disability.
Complete your own research prior to purchase, if in doubt consult your medical advisor.
What's in the box
1 x Herbal Sleep Aid Insomnia Relief 50ml Drops